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Nearly half of companies admit that paperwork redundancies and technology roadblocks interfere with efficient onboarding. Leigh Anna Compton, Director of Human Resources, made it a priority to streamline hiring processes for better outcomes. As a member of the South Carolina Human Resources Management Coalition group, Leigh Anna has received invaluable insights and feedback on the significance of utilizing advanced HR systems to overcome paperwork-related hurdles. By embracing innovative solutions like UKG, Still Hopes emerges as a trailblazer in the industry, setting a new standard for streamlined employment processes and compliance.


Efficiency at the Core of Human Resources

Efficiency is at the heart of the Human Resources mission, with a clear vision to streamline operations by 2024. The introduction of UKG has significantly propelled us toward this objective. This advanced system seamlessly integrates data from the initial job application stage throughout the entire onboarding process. By eliminating redundant data entry and empowering our managers and directors with a unified dashboard, UKG has elevated our ability to oversee the hiring process, performance reviews, PTO requests, etc. with unprecedented efficiency. Greater efficiency means filling open positions quicker with less headache.


A Paperwork Revolution

The implementation of UKG has ushered in a new era of streamlined processes and efficiency by revolutionizing our paperwork management. By automating tasks and centralizing information, UKG has not only saved valuable time for both our managers and prospective employees, but also ensures that we consistently meet regulatory standards, even in the face of hiring shortages that demand rapid onboarding. Less time with tedious paperwork means more time to focus on the human element of onboarding new employees, making them two and a half times as likely to say they are "extremely satisfied" with their new job.


Still Hopes as an "Employer of Choice"

At Still Hopes, we envision creating an exceptional employee experience that goes hand in hand with our commitment to exemplify a new expectation of senior living. The implementation of UKG at Still Hopes signifies our unwavering dedication to enhancing the onboarding and employment processes for our prospective and current employees. By simplifying administrative tasks, reducing paperwork, and providing a cohesive platform for our managers and employees, UKG not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to creating a positive and appealing employee experience. As Still Hopes continues to evolve as an industry leader, the adoption of cutting-edge solutions like UKG underlines our commitment to fostering a dynamic and progressive work environment.